Friday, November 8, 2013

My Blog has Moved!

I've recently redesigned my whole author website! Please come by and have a look.

Also, this is the last post I'll make in this blog, as the new site has it's own blog incorporated within it. Here's the link to my new blog:

Hope to see you there! :)

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Latest News!

The Commander's Desire is now available in audio book format from Amazon, Audible and iTunes! Here's a link to Amazon:   Christy Lynn did the narration, and did an Awesome job! She performed different voices for each character, and I loved listening to it in edits. I hope others will like it just as much. (As a side note, you can get this book for free (plus one more free book) with a new membership with Audible! (Details in the link above.) I signed up with Audible long ago, to get audiobooks for my grandfather, and it's a great deal!)

Re: Ice Baron
A few readers have vigorously complained about the "damn"s in Ice Baron. As a result, I have decided to delete them, and they are now replaced with other, more descriptive words. :)

As mentioned in previous posts, I've promised the sequel to Ice Baron. I'm happy to say I'm halfway done with Ice Master, although honestly, this is the hardest book I've ever written--it's just not gelling how I'd like. At the moment, it's on hold as I'm in the midst of a complete website redesign. However, I hope to get back to Ice Master next week. When I've finished the first draft, I'll post it here!

I also have a number of other projects in the works. A young adult, light romance novelette named Castaways will be published soon, as well as a children's story, Toot of Fruit. Right now, my Amazon author page has the most up-to-date information, and if you're interested in learning more, it can be accessed here:

All the best,

:) Jennette

Monday, September 2, 2013

Interview and Contest

Good morning to everyone! :)

Here's the latest:

Today I'll be the guest at Laura Johnston's blog, and we'd love it if you'd stop by. Here's the link:

Laura will be asking me questions about how The Commander's Desire came to be written, and I'll share the "behind the scenes" inspiration that gave birth to the book. Also, enjoy a link to a fantastic fan video, made by Miranda and Clancy, and discover the exciting new venue in which the book will soon become available. (Audio book lovers, take note! :))

Last, but not least, a free ebook version of the newest edition of The Commander's Desire is up for grabs. Come on by and enter to win the free copy! The contest runs from Sept. 2 until Monday, Sept. 9, 2013, at midnight.

On a side note: For those who are waiting for the sequel to Ice Baron, I have good news! Ice Master is 1/3 finished, and I hope to finish it by the end of September. Fingers crossed. :)

Have a wonderful Labor Day,


Monday, March 18, 2013

Ice Baron Sequel

Well, I've received more than one email from readers who are wondering when the sequel to Ice Baron will come out!  First, I must deeply apologize. I started Michael's story immediately after I finished writing Ice Baron, but then life (and three kids) and numerous other, pressing projects converged upon me.

The long and short answer is, I will finish it within the next few months, but it is not completed yet.  When I've got a first draft finished, I'll post the news here! :)

In the meantime, to those readers who have taken the time to write and let me know how much they enjoy my books---thank you!!! So very much. You have no idea what an encouragement that is to me. I write for the love of it, and have been doing so for (gulp) more decades than I'll own up to. (My kids are brainwashed into telling everyone I'm 33.) The best thing in the world is to write a book and have someone else enjoy it just as much as I did writing it.

For those who might be interested, I have quite a number of books that are completely written, and are in the pipeline. They just require more editing and polishing. Since I'm a perfectionist, I do everything I can to try to avoid those snarky, negative reviews! That said, I know everyone likes different things, and I can't please everyone.

To that end, I'll give a list of my forthcoming projects, and the genre/readers they're targeted for. Some are Christian romances, and if you don't like those types of books, just skip on to the next category... And several are targeted to the New Adult age category (17 to early twenties and up). So, here goes:

Working Titles (subject to editorial change)

Historical Romance:
Barbarian,  Regency romance, PG-13, clean romance

Christian Romance:
Snowstorm, Contemporary, PG, clean romance

Christian End-Times/Apocalyptic:
Beyond the Rapture, Contemporary, New Adult, PG, clean, light romance

Kaavl Conspiracy, Paranormal, New Adult, PG-13, light romance
Kaavl Quest, Paranormal, New Adult, PG-13, light romance
Kaavl  Conqueror, Paranormal, New Adult PG-14, romance

As you can see, I've got a lot on my plate! I'm working diligently to get these books polished up and I hope several will be published within the next few months. If not before summer, then in the fall.  Watch this space for up-to-date details!

All the best,

:) Jennette